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Message From Editors:

Click Here for the most-recent editorial:


This site was created after a terrifying
night at the Mammoth Spring April Fool's
City Council Meeting, which caused us to fear for our
lives and safety! The sign and this site were created after last "April Fools."
Editorial: Doing Unto Others:
(by C: Dawn Campbell)
I believe the world would be better without misrepresentations
and false allegations. People have a right to be upset and
defend themselves when false witnessing is committed against
them; especially when it concerns physical safety.  

One just SHOULD NOT ACCUSE OF MAN of abusing his wife
without evidence to back up such assertion!!!

"They" falsely painted Dave as being "aggressive with a woman"
The other day we were attacked by two who knew of us and we did not know of
them. One attacker stated Dave better not get "aggressive with a
When Dave was arrested due to standing his ground on 07/16/24, the Fulton County
Sheriff's Department erroneously entered the charge into the database as
"domestic battering."

They made it appear as if Dave is abusive to me!

It is that fact leading me to believe the reason for Dave's arrest was
to place is in such false light.

Look how wonky the whole thing is. And the fraudulent notarization to boot!
Why did District Clerk Brandon Holder, who is friends with the Turnbough
family according to FB, falsely allege Dave needs an attorney to get
the records in the FOUR criminal cases against him?
Why did it take a FOIA request for Mr: Holder to release the exonerating
medical record of Gary Lee Dunn?
Is Gary's medical record being used to support Randy and Brenda's
alleged injuries? Mr. Holder admitted it is filed in their cases. Why?!
You can witness misrepresentations in the following video:
Officer Crawford made a material misrepresentation by falsely stating no
evidence existed, even though he was informed (on camera)
Dave's attackers' assaults were/are recorded.

Officer Crawford also alleged
the parties were separated.

Did Officer Hunter Crawford make material
misrepresentations in causing Dave's arrest?

You can watch the videos and learn:
Estranged Sons Tried Kidnapping
our Neighbor
on July 16, 2024 and Dave was arrested for
Defending himself, me, and our neighbor.


When watching the video, one will see Dave defending our neigbor
from being taken away against her will on July 16, 2024. Dave was
also defending himself after his attacker slapped him in the face with a
laminant, pushed him for several seconds and then placed the pointy
laminant in the back of Dave's neck. In Arkansas,
there is no duty to retreat when attacked and Dave had every
right to knock his attacker on his wonky donky. That attacker should
never have done what he did! He bore false witness, which
is his shame. The comforting news is, God controls and God knows!
One particular attacker is fortunate my husband is as non-aggressive as it gets,
because he caused us to fear for our life and safety and our neighbor's.
If Dave was the aggressive lunatic some folks
are apparently portraying him to be, last July
16th's attacker likely would be called late. Dave had a gun
on his side while being attacked and chose to push in lieu of
shoot. If I acted like a lunatic while flailing my arms and a slicing
object in someone's face who carried a loaded weapon, I would
be thankful to be alive if I were. The audacity of an attacker
filing a false statement to have an innocent man arrested is known by
God! We know this is all in God's Hands and pray Jesus will be
found by so many who are obviously lost.
Also on July 16th, 2024 Chief Turbough lied to Fulton County Dispatcher in
alleging no officers in Mammoth Spring could respond to our 911
call. The public should be interested in knowing a FOIA response from
the mayor evidenced the three officers making up the Mammoth Spring
Police Department are all on salary. Does that mean all three had a
duty to respond to our July 16, 2024 911 call, especially
since the dispatcher informed Chief Turnbough Dave had a holstered
gun? And especially when considering Chief Turnbough knew about the
volatility at the residence as a result of the youngest son's
appearance there last October?
The public should also know Melissa Rogers' mother (also a Mammoth
Spring City Secretary) was reprimanded by the AR SOS pertaining
to the arrest
(alleged) affidavit used to arrest Dave.
I think it is unfortunate people seem to forget how God feels about false
witnessing. Look at President Trump and all the false witnessing committed against
him. One should never try to disrupt what our Almighty God ordains.
Remember that "Do unto others as you
would have them do unto you

Why can't everyone live by said Scripture?

Think of how much more respectful the world would be if everyone treated
everyone decently! We were treated incredibly disrespectfully by the
current leadership of Mammoth Spring. We cannot say the same about
the previous leadership. We love and truly miss those guys!
Former Mayor Charlie Vaughan and Former Chief of Police Mike
Davis, we witnessed being only respectful and professional.
We have been visiting Mammoth Spring since traveling through on a motorcycle
about 24 years ago. With a tent in tow, we camped on the Spring
River at the Mammoth Spring RV Resort and truly fell in love with
this town. The man from Jolly Roger's pizza stayed open late and
cooked a delicious pizza. We loved it so much here, we
brought our children back, or met them here for vacations.
Mammoth Spring is a special place and we pray it always stays beautiful and
desirable. Back before Colby's dad built their business, we
were buying the vacant lot. We once mowed it using two push
mowers when the grass felt like it was over our heads. We then
sat with a son on the sidewalk and watched a parade. Before April
Fools, Mammoth Spring felt enchanting to us.
We received some positive results in our recent challenge to be made whole
again. The bike rack we previously donated to the city park,
when the administration acted respectfully, was graciously returned
to us after we requested it back. The revocation was due to the
damaging actions against us. We are grateful to everyone responsible
for getting our bike rack back to us. Kudos and much thanks!


Published by C. Dawn Campbell 11/17/24 and updated 11/19/24.

Election 2024 Editorial:


If Election interference refers to an effort to change the outcome of an
election, the question is, is it election interference when a
radio station makes a material misrepresentation by advertising a
contested race as non- contested? Is that silent campaigning?
As upset as we felt about the following advertisement, imagine
how upset a candidate who had their race misrepresented might
On a positive note, it is encouraging seeing the National election results
this year. We looked at every county in Arkansas for the right
vs. left statistics and smiled witnessing many counties in
Arkansas voted for President Trump around 80 percent. We will
never understand the 20 percent, though and are relieved the majority
of Fulton County voted for President Trump.
Thank you for reading.
Happy Holiday Season,


Does that make Barry O'Dell a legitimate Councilman?

an editorial about
Councilman Barry O'Dell.


Click Here for another editorial about Councilman O'Dell.


Look what James Turnbough
and Melissa Rogers
are Doing:


Also on July 16, 2024, Police Chief James
Turnbough and Mayor Assistant
Melissa Rogers each sued us seeking an
injunction to bar "the message which
states 'Jamie and Melissa
get it on,'" which we never stated.
After we called them out on their material misrepresentation, they
amended their complaints to remove their material


The following links are two lawsuits brought against us
by Mammoth Spring Police Chief James Turnbough and
Mayor Assistant Melissa Rogers:
vs. Dave and Dawn Campbell
vs. Dave and Dawn Campbell



This editorial was Published by Dave and Dawn Campbell 11/17/24.




Next Market Day: This Saturday from 9 am to 1 pm.


We learned the lady who stated that is a crafter who crafted an item for Chief
Turnbough's grandson when he was a baby.




A Former Mansion From
Farmington, Arkansas.

1858 house comes down for safety reasons


Check Out This Way-Kewl Home:

(Click Post to See More Photos)






(Editors' Note: we are not affiliated with Cave City Watchdog and
are not responsible for any content on third-party sites.
CAUTION: Strong language on social media site.

Recent Sign Message:

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What a gorgeous time of year in Mammoth Spring, Arkansas!



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