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Barry Did Not Obey The Bible Concerning the Following Issue:


This is what The Bible says:

Notice the following message Barry is whining about states:
"Does anyone know anything about city equipment and a city employee mowing the Church of Christ property?
The foregoing question was asked, because someone visited our property and
showed us a questionable photograph, which posed a valid question,
which even Barry admitted in his defamatory post against us.
Since Councilman Barry also professes to be a Christian, shouldn't he
have spoken with us and answered our question before willfully and
maliciously defaming us by calling us liars? Since he is a man of
God, he should know he is the one who stated a lie in his post by
calling us liars. A question cannot be a lie! A question is not a statement.


The disturbing part of Barry's defamation is, he spoke with us on August
02, 2024 and informed us his son has an identical mower as the
City of Mammoth Spring. As soon as Barry left from speaking with us
as we were standing in our front yard, I deleted the question.
It was that simple. Now, the important question is, why did
Barry O'Dell leave his defamatory post up when knowing we removed
our question as soon as he mentioned the issue to us.
I think he left the defamatory post up, because the post was more about
defaming us than opposing a question.
(I found Barry's shameful post simply by searching our names on FB.)

After watching the following video from August 2nd, hopefully,
one understands why we are disturbed by Barry O'Dell's following FB Post:



Despite what The Bible says, this is what Barry did:


Barry is wrong by not talking with us before announcing
to others...According to The Bible!

Barry is also wrong for calling us liars for asking a question. JEEPERS!

More Questions:

Why didn't Barry O'Dell speak with us on July 24, 2024?


Was Barry afraid to speak with us on July 24th?


If Barry was afraid to speak with us on July 24th, why did he stop by on August 02, 2024?


Did Barry stop by on August 02, 2024, because he knew Dave would be arrested on that date?


Barry's post is suspicous in indicating he has a message of our sign we do
not have. It sounds like he is carrying water for James Turnbough
and Melissa Rogers in defending them in their misrepresentation in alleging we said
"Jamie and Melissa get it on" It sounds like Barry O'
Dell is trying to deceive others into believing we said,
"Jamie and Melissa get it on" We busted James and Melissa on
their MAJOR MATERIAL MISREPRESENTATION and their attorney, John
McGinnis, removed the fraudulent message in their amended
complaints. Of course, on July 24th, Barry would not yet
have known his pals were busted. It sounds like he believed
they would press forward with the erroneous message. Wow, it
sounds like he is actually still trying to deceive others into believing we said, "Jamie and Melissa get it on
Barry O'Dell accuses us of constantly attacking, defaming and
misrepresenting; however he has failed to list anything to support his
libelous words.


Anyone can read Barry's defaming 7/24 rant
and see why we need this site and our sign for self defense!

It sounds like Barry is trying to intimidate us by alleging "records are being kept."

If true, why have our FOIA requests to the City of Mammoth Spring produced ZERO Records about us?

One more thing: Is Barry indicating we have a burden to have specific content on our website?
Content was removed for multiple untold reasons.
If you have any questions about any content, you can message us here.


Thank you for reading this editorial by C. Dawn Campbell
written 11/15/24 and edited/published 11/19/24.



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