Cave City Watchdog
Cop ATTACKS Disabled VET after he tried to file a complaint on the cop
Recently, while driving through Cave City, we spotted Mr. Gene Short sitting with a sign.
This caused us to stop in order to learn Mr. Short's reason for his sign. We are glad we
learned what happened to Mr. Short. Everyone should learn Mr. Short's story, in hopes of
preventing this from happening again. Mr. Short's story is an example of what can
happen when one takes a stand.
Veteran Gene Short wanted to file a complaint against a cop,
so a secretary instructed Mr. Short to wait in the hall for the mayor to return.
The secretary falsely alleged to Gene she called the mayor
It is our understanding, the secretary summoned the police
instead of the mayor. Watch what happens to Mr. Short for seeking to file a complaint.
This was a sad, sad way to treat a Veteran!!
(If Gene's story has been stated incorrectly by us,
please let us know here.)
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